Thursday, April 21, 2011

Birthday Boy

My little kitty is growing up! He's a big one year old boy today. 

Well, actually, I don't really know when his birthday is, and to be honest with you, it was probably a couple of weeks ago. Since I didn't have the actual date, I decided to find one in April that would fit a cat of mine. After reading many this-day-in-history posts, I came across April 21st and all discussion of when Mosby's birthday would be ceased.

For starters, the real Mosby (Col. John S. Mosby, the Marion, or Swampfox, of the Civil War) disbanded his command in 1865 and sent all of his Rangers home. It seemed fitting that a big event in Mosby's life would fall on the same date as my Mosby's birthday.

April 21st doesn't stop there, though. It is probably most well-known for being the birthday of Rome (at least, we all celebrated it every year in college. April 21, 753 BC was a BIG deal). So, my cat gets a part of my Latin major in his life, too.

Henry VII died today, too, which means Henry VIII ascended the throne of England. And it's Queen Elizabeth II's birthday, so British History fits in here too. The Spanish-American War began, the Red Baron was shot down, Catherine II of Russia and Charlotte Bronte (not of Russia) were born. Joe McCarthy was also born (okay, I had to get a baseball connection into this somehow!)

So, as you can tell, April 21st is too perfect a day to not have my cat be born on it. So, Happy Birthday Mosby! I vote that in honor of this day, you stay in your snuggle mood all day and forget the crazy cat that comes out in you!

Plus, it's National Tree Planting Day in Kenya.


  1. Ha ha ha HAAAAA!! You are absolutely right--this is the perfect day for Mosby (who is adorable, by the way!) to celebrate his birthday. :-) I love all of the connections this day has to things you are passionate about.
    So, Happy Birthday, Mosby! Here's to you! ;-)

  2. Hahahaha!!!! Karissa, that is too hilarious! And awesome! And clever! :-D I hope Mosby had a very happy birthday. :-)
